With the exceptions of Mayor Jimmy or the Goat in the glasshouse, who finally greedily claims the peanuts and removes them from the game instantly. Should you accept the bag of boiled peanuts from the stranger on the bus, you can awkwardly offer them to each new person you meet.Purely Aesthetic Gender: The protagonist's gender has no impact on gameplay aside from pronouns.No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: In general, the entire week of torment they are experiencing at the Scarlet Hollow all came as consequence of their trying to be a supportive cousin to Tabitha and attend her mom's funeral.
Nightmare Fetishist: They can be this if they have Hot as a trait and express attraction towards Wayne.Nice to the Waiter: The player has the option of having the protagonist be nice to Avery throughout their interactions in episode 1 and, besides the option of leaving no tip, has the option of leaving a normal tip or a generous tip.This will result in either Rosalina suffering a broken leg when trying to escape the cave-in, or Becka and Alexis getting trapped and possibly killed. If you have the Keen Eye talent, you can catch them in the act but you are still presented with the option of looking the other way and letting them sneak off. At the end of episode 2, Rosalina, Becka and Alexis will sneak off further into the mine while the player and the others are not paying attention.Doing the reverse will result in Duke getting killed. At the end of episode 1, if you jump for the flashlight rather than holding onto Gretchen's leash, this will result in her getting infected by the Ditchling.Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: A couple of the choices the player can make can lead to disastrous results.Most Writers Are Writers: A possible occupation for them is an English student working on their first novel.
Sacrificing part of your life to Charles Shaw's ghost will have other characters reference your newly greyed hair and extra worry lines.
The "Hot" and "Powerful Build" traits will affect NPCs' reaction to your appearance as well. A Strong Family Resemblance exists between the protagonist and their mother. They do have "sunken eyes and rigid cheekbones" that instantly mark them out as a Scarlet. You can even self insert or imagine them as you, but don't have to.
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The protagonist is never seen in-game and has no set gender, so the player is largely free to imagine the character as they see fit. The player character will only vaguely allude to them in a conversation with Stella and later outright tell Kaneeka in an optional conversation in Episode 2 that they don't even know their dad.